Geometries of Power

"Geometries of Power" is a multi-user online 3D world that uses
the interactive characteristics of space, geometry and sound
to question concepts of power and control.
Shared event VRML technology enables participants
to collaboratively create a visual environment in real time.
It was developed during a workshop on
Interactive 3D Virtual Reality Environments
at the Bauhaus-University in Weimar, Germany.
of Power has been used in 2 online events:
December 6, 2002 between:
- Bauhaus
Weimar, Germany
Los Angeles, USA
Boston Cyberarts Festival
May 1, 2005 between:
- Goethe-Institut
Boston, USA
Hosted by: Tamiko Thiel
- programangels/Lothringer13
Munich, Germany
Hosted by:
Daniel Fischer and Peter Graf
- Screenshots
"Geometries of Power" is online and can be experienced by anyone
a fast Internet connection and the following equipment:
- Windows98, WindowsME, Windows2000, WindowsXP
- Internet Explorer 5.5+
- Installation of the blaxxun Contact 5.1
browser (PC only!) Free download:
blaxxun Contact 5.3
- Drag thumbnails
from the lower right picture window into the 3D world.
- Some of them will
map to buildings; others will appear in front of you.
- You can deconstruct
those in front of you by clicking and dragging on them.
- Use the arrow keys
to move forward/backward or turn left/right.
- OR: move with a
left-click-and-drag from the middle of the window outward.