Mission Base

Program Base Library Functions

size_t pblStringBuilderAppendN

( PblStringBuilder* stringBuilder,
  size_t n, const char* format,
  ... )

Appends at most n bytes of a variable string defined by the format parameter to the end of the data of the string builder.


Appends at most n bytes of a variable string defined by the format parameter to the end of the data of the string builder.

For the possible values of the format parameter, see the documentation of the printf(3) family of functions.

This function has a time complexity of O(N), with N being the length of the string being appended.

stringBuilder - The string builder to use
n - The maximum number of bytes to append
format - The format of the arguments to append
size_t rc >= 0: The length of the string builder.
size_t rc == -1: An error, see pbl_errno:
PBL_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY - Out of memory.
PBL_ERROR_PARAM_FORMAT - Parameter format is not valid.

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