Basic Example implementing a "native" Script for blaxxun Contact 3D 5.0. fragment example passing in an eventIn MFString sending out an eventOut MFString To do: change clsid test The class CMyScript implements the blaxxun VRML COM-EAI Interface Script. The object's classid is put into the url tag Script { # native object url "object:clsid={E33551EE-425E-427B-9FB5-631C173292D7}" } Installaing the object is up to the Author, for security reasons Contact does not install objects. The example has been created using Microsoft Developer Studio 6.0 Start with an ATL DLL Project. Add an simple ATL Object Implement the Script interface on the object. If you modify & distribute this sample you *must* use new CLASSID's. 01/2001