blaxxun Community Platform - Server SDK

#  Copyright (c) 1998 - 2001 by
#  blaxxun interactive Inc, San Francisco, California, USA
#  All rights reserved
#  MODULE NAME:  $RCSfile: apextern.txt,v $
#  REVISION:     $Revision: 1.30 $
#  DATE:         $Date: 2001/02/16 12:46:20 $
#  AUTHOR:       $Author: peter $
#  STATE:        $State: Exp $
#  PROJECT:            blaxxun
#  SYSTEM:             server      - blaxxun server processes - Community Server
#  SUBSYSTEM:          doc         - documentation of Community Server API 
# Description of external interface of the Community Server API.

Table of Contents:
1. General

2. Files
2.1. libchapi.a - UNIX library
2.2. ivlibmts.lib - Windows NT library
2.3. apextern.h
2.4. apevent.c

3. Definitions
3.1. Makros and Constants
3.2. Data Types

4. Unconditional Event Functions
4.1. chEventStartup
4.2. chEventShutdown
4.3. chEventSessionReqSubscribe
4.4. chEventSessionAckSubscribe
4.5. chEventSessionPeriodic

5. User Related Event Functions
5.1. chEventUserNew
5.2. chEventUserNewLog
5.3. chEventUserDelete
5.4. chEventUserSetAttr
5.5. chEventUserSetAttrLog
5.6. chEventUserText
5.7. chEventUserTextLog

6. Scene Related Event Functions
6.1. chEventSceneNew
6.2. chEventSceneDelete

7. Session Related API Calls
7.1. Creation, Subscribe, Register Events, Access
7.1.1. chSessionAllowAll
7.1.2. chSessionAllow
7.1.3. chSessionCreate
7.1.4. chSessionCmdSubscribe
7.1.5. chSessionRegisterEvent
7.1.6. chSessionResetIter
7.1.7. chSessionGetNext
7.2. Setting Session Values
7.2.1. chSessionSetPeriod
7.3. Reading Session Values
7.3.1. chSessionGetAckSubscribeTime
7.3.2. chSessionGetApiId
7.3.3. chSessionGetCreateTime
7.3.4. chSessionGetIdserverHostname
7.3.5. chSessionGetIdserverIP
7.3.6. chSessionGetIdserverPort
7.3.7. chSessionGetLastPacketTime
7.3.8. chSessionGetNofScenes
7.3.9. chSessionGetPort
7.3.10. chSessionGetReqSubscribeTime
7.3.11. chSessionGetSocket

8. User Related API Calls
8.1. Accesssing Existing Users per Session and per Scene
8.1.1. chUserResetIter
8.1.2. chUserGetNext
8.1.3. chSceneUserResetIter
8.1.4. chSceneUserGetNext
8.2. Setting User Values
8.2.1. chUserSendText
8.2.2. chUserSetAttr
8.2.3. chUserSetDenied
8.2.4. chUserSetInfo
8.2.5. chUserSetNewData
8.2.6. chUserSetNewDataFailed
8.2.7. chUserSetNickname
8.2.8. chUserSetText
8.2.9. chUserSetTextIgnore
8.2.10. chUserSetUrl
8.2.11. chUserSetApplicationData
8.3. Reading User Values
8.3.1. chUserGetAttr
8.3.2. chUserGetCreateTime
8.3.3. chUserGetLastTextTime
8.3.4. chUserGetDenied
8.3.5. chUserGetEncryption
8.3.6. chUserGetGroupID
8.3.7. chUserGetGroupTopic
8.3.8. chUserGetId
8.3.9. chUserGetInfo
8.3.10. chUserGetInstallId
8.3.11. chUserGetIp
8.3.12. chUserGetRealIp
8.3.13. chUserGetSceneName
8.3.14. chUserGetSceneHandle
8.3.15. chUserGetNewData
8.3.16. chUserGetNickname
8.3.17. chUserGetPasswd
8.3.18. chUserGetPort
8.3.19. chUserGetSceneurl
8.3.20. chUserGetText
8.3.21. chUserGetUserid
8.3.22. chUserGetUrl
8.3.23. chUserGetVersion
8.3.24. chUserGetApplicationData
8.3.25. chUserGetPosition
8.3.26. chUserGetOrientation
8.3.27. chUserGetStatusBits

9. Scene Related API Calls
9.1. Accesssing Existing Scenes per Session
9.1.1. chSceneResetIter
9.1.2. chSceneGetNext
9.2. Getting Scene Values
9.2.1. chSceneGetUrl
9.2.2. chSceneGetName
9.2.3. chSceneGetNofUsers
9.2.4. chSceneGetKeepalive
9.2.5. chSceneGetApplicationData
9.3. Setting Scene Values
9.3.1. chSceneSetApplicationData
9.3.2. chSceneSetTextEventStatus
9.3.3. chSceneSetPositionEventStatus

10. Remote Access Events
10.1. UDP Requests
10.2. HTTP Requests

11. Handling Shared Events
11.1. Usage
11.2. Configuration
11.3. Storage
11.4. Functions
11.4.1. chSharedEventIsShared
11.4.2. chSharedEventNoStore
11.4.3. chSharedEventSetPrecision
11.4.4. chSharedEventGet
11.4.5. chSharedEventCreateFloat
11.4.6. chSharedEventCreateString
11.4.7. chSharedEventCreateLong
11.4.8. chSharedEventGetFloat
11.4.9. chSharedEventGetLong
11.4.10. chSharedEventGetString
11.4.11. chSharedEventStore
11.4.12. chSharedEventFindStored
11.4.13. chSharedEventGetFirstStored
11.4.14. chSharedEventGetNextStored
11.4.15. chSharedEventDeleteStored

12. Community Server Users API Calls
12.1. Function chCSUserCreate
12.2. Function chCSUserDelete
12.3. Function chCSUserTextSend
12.4. Function chCSUserPositionSend
12.5. Function chCSUserStatusBitsSet
12.6. Function chCSPeriodic
12.7. Function chCSUserDataHandler
12.8. Function chCSCallbackFunction

13. Application Server Database Access
13.1. Function chDBInit
13.2. Function chDBGetError
13.3. Function chDBMget
13.4. Function chDBGet
13.5. Function chDBList
13.6. Function chDBMset
13.7. Function chDBMadd
13.8. Function chDBAdd
13.9. Function chDBIns
13.10. Function chDBDelete
13.11. Function chDBMgetCached
13.12. Function chDBGetCached
13.13. Function chDBSetCacheTime
13.14. Function chDBGetObjectFromScene
13.15. Function chDBGetParent
13.16. Function chDBGetMemberType
13.17. Function chDBCheckRole
13.18. Function chDBCheckRights
13.19. Function chDBUnscrambleCookie

1. General


The Community Server API allows third parties to extend the functionality of blaxxun interactive's Community Platform.

By using this interface an application can control the Community Platform.

The following things can be controlled:

- Access to scenes by users.

- The attributes a user can use.

- The texts a user can send.

- Shared events.

Example applications that can be implemented based on the API server are:

- An autorisation server, that only allows users into a scene if they know a correct password.

- A moderation server that only allows texts to be posted by specific people.

- A vulgarity filter that suppresses texts using bad language.

- A shared event server that modifies shared events e.g. to control a game.

In order for an application process to access a Community Server, the application process must be configured in the Community Server configuration file via a APISERVER statement. The statement has the following form.

   APISERVER  <hostname>:<port>

where <hostname>:<port> is the hostname and port used by the application.
If the statement is given within a <SCENE> statement, the application can only control access for this specific scene.

If there is no APISERVER statement in the configuration file Community Server ignores any request made by the application.

2. Files


2.1. libchapi.a - UNIX library


For UNIX systems this library is distributed in directory src/linuxbin and src/solarisbin.

The library contains the application interface. It is actually a blaxxun process that has to be linked with the file apevent.o, libconfig.a, libpaa.a, libpacket.a and libproc.a.

The interface to the process is as follows:

  FUNCTION NAME:        main apserver

    Does the work of the API server.

    The option -TRACE enables traces to the logfile.
    This option can be toggled sending a kill -SIGUSR2 to the process.

    The option -D prevents the process from disconnecting from the
    control terminal for debug purposes.

    The environment variable $BSIROOT has to be set.
    The process assumes existence of the directories
    $BSIROOT/log and $BSIROOT/status.

    The other servers should get started as well.

    Writes logs to the file $BSIROOT/log/apserver.<portnumberused>

  RETURN VALUES:               
    The process can be terminated by kill -SIGTERM

    exit( 0 );  OK
    exit( 1 );  an error occured

int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    static char usage[] =
    "Usage: %s -p port [ application specific options ][ -TRACE -D ]\n\
        -p port: is the port the API server should work with\n\
        -TRACE: enables the trace flag\n\
        -D: is for debugging\n";
In order to use this process install Community Server 3.00, create the apserver in src, copy it to the Community Server <installdir>/bin directory and add it to the file <installdir>/chstart.

2.2. ivlibmts.lib - Windows NT library


For NT systems all binary files are distributed in directory src/ntbin along with a MS VC++ 4.2 makefile.

In order to work properly with the Community Server admin interface, all server processes need a name of the form xxserver. If you want to write your own server you have to decide on a two letter prefix for your server first.

Example: tfserver if you want to implement a text filtering server.

1. Edit file apntserv.h

   - insert your own names for the both defines:
        #define APNT_SERVICE_NAME        "apserver"
        // this is the name of your NT service and also the registry
        // prefix for the "apserverPort" reg value.

#define APNT_REGVAL_IDSERVER "apserverIdserverHostPort" // this is the name of the registry key for the idserver port

Edit the file apevent.c - modify the existing event handler functions to your needs.
2. Open the makefile apserver.mak in VC++ 4.2.

3. Compile and build the executable src/ntbin/apserver.exe If you rename the servicename you should also rename the exe file.

4. Register the apserver.exe file under NT with the command line tool src/ntbin/sinstall.exe. Use the same servicename as entered in the H-file before for APNT_SERVICE_NAME. Enter an absolute pathname for the exepath.

Usage: sinstall.exe servicename servicedisplayname exepath

Example: sinstall.exe tfserver "Text Filter Process" c:\blaxxun\commserv\bin\tfserver.exe

5. Enter two new values in the registry:

   - Open regedit.exe

- Go to key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/blaxxunInteractive/Community Server

- Add a new String value "apserverPort" = 2070 (use the servicename you entered in the H-FILE for APNT_SERVICE_NAME as prefix, and choose an available UDP port)

- Add a new String value "apserverIdserverHostPort" = localhost:2000 (use the name you entered for APNT_REGVAL_IDSERVER for the reg value, and set the port of the idserver)

6. Start the NT Service Control Manager and start your new service. The new process writes a log file under <installdir>\log\

7. You can unregister the service using the command src/ntbin/sdelete.exe

2.3. apextern.h


This include file gets distributed in directory src.

  File apextern.h

  PROJECT:            VWP         - blaxxun virtual worlds platform
  SYSTEM:             server      - server processes
  COMPONENT:          apserver    - Community Server API server

      External include file for Community Server API server

      This file contains all #defines and typedefs of the interface.

      All event functions and API calls have function prototypes here.

2.4. apevent.c


This file resides in the directory src.

  File apevent.c

  PROJECT:            VWP         - blaxxun virtual worlds platform
  SYSTEM:             server      - server processes
  COMPONENT:          apserver    - Community Server API server

      Event functions called. The functions given in this file are
      examples for the Event Functions of the Interface.

      Customize them to your own needs.

3. Definitions


3.1. Makros and Constants


 * The following macros can be used to write logs or errors to stderr,
 * if doing so the parameters have to be in printf format and two (( and ))
 * have to be used
 * Example:
 *  PROCESS_ERR(("malloc failed! errmsg: %s!\n", strerror( errno ) ));
#define PROCESS_LOG( X ) process_logout X

#define PROCESS_ERR( X ) process_errout X

#define PROCESS_TRA( X ) if( process.traceon ) process_traceout X

 * Error return codes of the TCP/IP services library
#define PACKET_ERR_SOCKET       -1001   /* socket() call failed               */
#define PACKET_ERR_BIND         -1002   /* bind() call failed                 */
#define PACKET_ERR_HOST         -1003   /* gethostbyname() call failed        */
#define PACKET_ERR_MALLOC       -1004   /* malloc() call failed               */
#define PACKET_ERR_CONNECTION   -1005   /* Invalid socket given as parameter  */
#define PACKET_ERR_EINTR        -1006   /* function interrupted by a signal   */
#define PACKET_ERR_TIMEOUT      -1007   /* Timeout waiting with select        */
#define PACKET_ERR_SELECT       -1008   /* Error waiting with select          */
#define PACKET_ERR_RECV         -1009   /* Network read error in receive call */
#define PACKET_ERR_LISTEN       -1010   /* listen() call failed               */
#define PACKET_ERR_ACCEPT       -1011   /* accept() call failed               */
#define PACKET_ERR_EWOULDBLOCK  -1012   /* operation (send,recv) would block  */
#define PACKET_ERR_CONNECT      -1013   /* connect() call failed              */
#define PACKET_ERR_SEND         -1014   /* send() call failed                 */
#define PACKET_ERR_INVAL        -1015   /* invalid argument                   */

 * Defines for events that are usable, used in function chSessionRegisterEvent.
#define apchEventUserNew             1
#define apchEventUserNewLog          2
#define apchEventUserDelete          3
#define apchEventUserSetAttr         4
#define apchEventUserSetAttrLog      5
#define apchEventUserText            6
#define apchEventUserTextLog         7
#define apchEventSceneNew            8
#define apchEventSceneDelete         9
#define apchEventUdpRequest         10
#define apchEventHttpRequest        11
#define apchEventUserPosition       12
#define apchEventUserPositionLog    13

 * Defines for reasons why a user is denied
 * Used in event function chEventUserNew and function chUserSetDenied
 * and in event function chEventUserSetAttr and function chUserSetNewDataFailed.
#define CH_BADVERSION               8
#define CH_BADSCENE                 9
#define CH_NEEDAUTHORISATION        10
#define CH_BADURL                   11
#define CH_NOMORE                   12
#define CH_BADNICKNAME              15
#define CH_BADINFO                  16
#define CH_BADATTR                  17

 * Defines for codes of attributes for event functions 
 * chEventUserSetAttr and chEventUserSetAttrLog
#define CH_URL_TYPE                  2
#define CH_NICKNAME_TYPE             3
#define CH_INFO_TYPE                10
#define CH_ATTR_TYPE                30

 * Defines for shared event types 
#define APSE_SFBOOL	    1
#define APSE_SFIMAGE	2
#define APSE_SFTIME	    3
#define APSE_SFCOLOR	4
#define APSE_MFCOLOR	5
#define APSE_SFFLOAT	6
#define APSE_MFFLOAT	7
#define APSE_SFINT32	8
#define APSE_MFINT32	9
#define APSE_SFNODE	    10
#define APSE_MFNODE	    11
#define APSE_SFSTRING	14
#define APSE_MFSTRING	15
#define APSE_SFVEC2F	16
#define APSE_MFVEC2F	17
#define APSE_SFVEC3F	18
#define APSE_MFVEC3F	19
#define APSE_SFENUM	    20
#define APSE_SFMATRIX	22
#define APSE_SFLONG	    23
#define APSE_MFLONG	    24

 * membertypes
#define CHDB_IS_BAD       0
#define CHDB_IS_VISITOR   1
#define CHDB_IS_MEMBER    2
#define CHDB_IS_ADMIN     3

 * Access bits for rights_check
#define CHDB_ACCESS_READ     0x4	/* read access    */
#define CHDB_ACCESS_WRITE    0x2	/* write access   */
#define CHDB_ACCESS_OWN      0x1	/* owner access   */
#define CHDB_ACCESS_RCHANGE  0x8	/* rights change  */
#define CHDB_ACCESS_ALL      0x7	/* rwo bits       */
#define CHDB_ACCESS_ALLBITS  0xf	/* all bits       */

 * datatype/table names for member and chat places
#define CHDB_MEMBER_TYPE       "M"     /* member table        */
#define CHDB_MEMBERDATA_TYPE   "MD"    /* member data table   */
#define CHDB_MEMBERONLINE_TYPE "MO"    /* member online table */
#define CHDB_VISITOR_TYPE      "VI"    /* visitor table       */
#define CHDB_OBJECT_TYPE       "O"     /* places table        */
#define CHDB_HOME_TYPE         "H"     /* homesteading table  */
#define CHDB_COMM_TYPE         "C"     /* old community table */
#define CHDB_NEIGH_TYPE        "N"     /* old neighbor table  */
#define CHDB_BLOCK_TYPE        "B"     /* old block table     */
#define CHDB_PROP_TYPE         "P"     /* old property table  */
#define CHDB_CLUB_TYPE         "CL"    /* club table          */

 * attribute names
#define CHDB_ATTR_ID    "ID"    /* id keytype          */
#define CHDB_ATTR_NNM   "NNM"   /* nickname keytype    */

 * db specific error codes
#define CHDB_ERR_DUPKEY        -101    /* unique secodary key already exists */
#define CHDB_ERR_KEYNOTFOUND   -102    /* key not found during update */

 * A makro that determines whether the end of an iterator list
 * is reached, use it with the Handle returned by chSessionGetNext
 * and chUserGetNext.
#define CHEoList( H ) (( H.sessionid == -1 ) && ( H.clientid == -1 ))

3.2. Data Types


 * The eventTag passed to the EventRegister function
typedef int  CHEvent_t;

 * A generic 4 byte value
typedef unsigned long  CH_4byte_t;

 * A generic 2 byte value
typedef unsigned short CH_2byte_t;

 * An IP address, always used in network byte order
typedef unsigned long  CH_ip_t;

 * A port number, always used in network byte order
typedef unsigned short CH_port_t;

 * A protocol version as used by the clients
typedef unsigned long  CH_version_t;

 * A Community Server ID
typedef CH_4byte_t CH_id_t;

 * A Client install ID as sent by the client
typedef struct
    CH_4byte_t  installid1;
    CH_4byte_t  installid2;

} CHInstallId_t;

 * A Handle as we pass it to event functions
typedef struct 
    CH_id_t     sessionid;
    CH_id_t     clientid;
    CH_port_t   port;
    CH_ip_t     ip;
} CHHandle_t;

 * A position as stored in memory
typedef struct
    long   x;
    long   y;
    long   z;
} CHPosition_t;                 /* an x-y-z position                  */

 * An orientation as stored in memory
typedef struct
    int            x;           /* x component of unit vector         */
    int            y;           /* y component of unit vector         */
    int            z;           /* z component of unit vector         */
    unsigned int   a;           /* the angle                          */
} CHOrientation_t;              /* an orientation                     */

 * A pointer to an event function
typedef void (* CHHandlerFuncPtr_t) ( CHHandle_t handle, int code );

 * The following type is used internally by the API server
typedef struct apserver_s
    time_t            now;              /* the current time set by ap_reply   */
    CH_port_t         port;             /* port number used by API server     */
    CH_ip_t           ip;               /* ip address used by server          */
    int               socket;           /* socket used by API server          */
    time_t            lastlog;          /* last time log was printed          */
    volatile int      statusprint;      /* flag for status print, set by      */
                                        /* id_sigusr1_handler                 */

    void            * iter;             /* current iterator element           */
    char            * sessionpaa;       /* hash table for known sessions      */

    void            * sessionhead;      /* head of list of session we know    */
    void            * sessiontail;      /* tail of list of sesions we know    */

    char            * clientpaa;        /* hash table for known clients       */
                                        /* number of packets received of type */
    unsigned long     tusers;
    unsigned long     nusers;

    unsigned long     tscenes;
    unsigned long     nscenes;

    unsigned long     tsessions;
    unsigned long     nsessions;

    unsigned long     tevents;
    unsigned long     tapchEventPeriodic;
    unsigned long     tapchEventUserPacket;
    unsigned long     tapchEventSessionReqSubscribe;
    unsigned long     tapchEventSessionAckSubscribe;
    unsigned long     tapchEventUserNew;
    unsigned long     tapchEventUserNewLog;
    unsigned long     tapchEventUserDelete;
    unsigned long     tapchEventUserSetAttr;
    unsigned long     tapchEventUserSetAttrLog;
    unsigned long     tapchEventUserText;
    unsigned long     tapchEventUserTextLog;
    unsigned long     tapchEventUserPositionLog;
    unsigned long     tapchEventSceneNew;
    unsigned long     tapchEventSceneDelete;

     * packets received
    unsigned long     nAPDataPacketsReceived;
    unsigned long     nAPDataReplaysReceived;

    unsigned long     n0packets;        /* length 0                           */
    unsigned long     nunknown;
    unsigned long     nreqsubscribe;
    unsigned long     nacksubscribe;
    unsigned long     nconfsubscribe;
    unsigned long     nlog;
    unsigned long     nquery;
    unsigned long     ngetid;
    unsigned long     nscenecreate;
    unsigned long     nscenedelete;
    unsigned long     ncupd;
    unsigned long     nsetx;
    unsigned long     nsetattr;
    unsigned long     ntextsend;
    unsigned long     ntextgrsend;
    unsigned long     nuserdata;
    unsigned long     ncommandfailed;

     * packets sent
    unsigned long     nInitsubscribe;
    unsigned long     nCmdsubscribe;
    unsigned long     nAck;
    unsigned long     nFail;
    unsigned long     nHandle;
    unsigned long     nClientpacket;

    struct timeval    period;

    int (*usrdata_handler)();    /* Pointer to handler for unknown packets    */

    int sessionAllowAll;         /* allow sessions from any community server  */
    int useSEServer;             /* activate the SE server  */

    int useSOServer;             /* run an soserver, do the license check     */

} apserver_t;

4. Unconditional Event Functions


Unconditional Event Functions are called by the Community Server API regardless of whether they are registered as events or not.

Examples for the functions are supplied in apevent.c. Those functions may be customized by users of the API server.

4.1. chEventStartup


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventStartup

    This function is called when the API server is started.

    The code given as an example here creates a session to each Community Server
    given on the command line as:

        -i hostname:port

    If the option 

        -i all

    is given the example code allows sessions from any Community Server
    sending a request subcribe.

    Add your own code as you like, but make sure to create at least one
    session or to allow sessions from any hosts.

  NOTE: In order to make the process run correctly on NT this function must
        not perform any exits, use a return code of 110 or higher as the
        example does.

    int rc == 0: ok process started successfully
        rc != 0: the startup failed, the process will go down with
                 the exitcode returned

int chEventStartup(
int        argc,			/* number of parameters             */
char      *argv[]			/* comamnd line parameters          */

4.2. chEventShutdown


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventShutdown

    This function is called when the API server is terminated.


void chEventShutdown(
int exitcode				/* return code for exit call        */

4.3. chEventSessionReqSubscribe


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventSessionReqSubscribe

    This function is called when Community Server requests the API server to
    subscribe to certain events.

    This can either happen:

    - at startup time of the API server
    - in case Community Server is restarted.

    See apextern.h for a list of possible events this function can
    subscribe to.

    The code here subscribes to all events that are possible.

    The parameter "unknown" has the following meaning.

    unknown == 0: The Community Server requesting the session request subscribe
                  has been explicitly created by this application via a
                  call to chSessionCreate.

    unknown != 0: The Community Server requesting the session request subscribe
                  has not been explictly created by this application.

                  In this case the function can decide whether it wants
                  to subscribe to the Community Server in question.

                  It can either accept the session by calling chSessionAllow
                  and then registering to certain events with the
                  Community Server. Or it can ignore the session with
                  the Community Server by doing nothing.

    The case unknown != 0 will only happen if sessions by unknown Community
    Servers were enabled during startup by a call to chSessionAllowAll.

void chEventSessionReqSubscribe(
CHHandle_t sessionHandle,		/* r: handle for session structure  */
int        sessionUnknown		/* r: flag: session is explicit     */

4.4. chEventSessionAckSubscribe


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventSessionAckSubscribe

    This function is called when Community Server acknowledges the subscription
    for a session.


void chEventSessionAckSubscribe(
CHHandle_t sessionHandle,		/* r: handle for session structure  */
int        code				/* r: unused in this function       */

4.5. chEventSessionPeriodic


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventSessionPeriodic

    This function is called periodically for each session existing.
    The default is every 60 seconds, the default can be changed by 
    calling chSessionSetPeriod.

    The minimum value possible for period is 100000 microseconds.


void chEventSessionPeriodic(
CHHandle_t sessionHandle 		/* r: handle for session structure  */

5. User Related Event Functions


All User Related Event Functions have to be registered with the Community Server Api before they are called.

Examples for the functions are supplied in apevent.c. Those functions may be customized by users of the API server.

5.1. chEventUserNew


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventUserNew

    Event function for a new user event.

    This function is called whenever a client tries to enter a specific scene
    with Community Server.

    This is an example function, it is only called when the event
    apchEventUserNew is registered via a call to chSessionRegisterEvent
    and chSessionCmdSubscribe.

    The function can read the values used by the client by calls to the
    chUserGet... functions.

    The function can change the values used by a client by calls to the
    chUserSet... functions. The client will not be told about this
    change of values. This is useful for example in order to make
    the client use a different avatar without further ado.

    The function can deny a client by calling the chUserSetDenied function.
    Reason codes for the deny are specified in apextern.h.

    The function can let the client enter the scene as specified by 
    doing nothing.

    Beware: This call is blocking, Community Server will only allow the client
            to enter the scene specified after this function returns.


void chEventUserNew(
CHHandle_t userHandle,       /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        code              /* r: unused in this function       */

5.2. chEventUserNewLog


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventUserNewLog

    Event function for a EventUserNewLog event

    This function is called whenever a client has entered a specific scene
    with Community Server.

    This is an example function, it is only called when the event
    apchEventUserNewLog is registered via a call to chSessionRegisterEvent
    and chSessionCmdSubscribe.

    The function can read the values used by the client by calls to the
    chUserGet... functions.

    Community Server has already allowed the client to enter the scene when the
    function is called.


void chEventUserNewLog(
CHHandle_t userHandle,			/* r: handle for user structure     */
int        code				/* r: unused in this function       */

5.3. chEventUserDelete


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventUserDelete

    Event function for a Delete user event

    This function is called whenever a client leaves a scene at Community Server.

    This is an example function, it is only called when the event
    apchEventUserDelete is registered via a call to chSessionRegisterEvent
    and chSessionCmdSubscribe.

    The client has already left the scene specified when this function is called.


void chEventUserDelete(
CHHandle_t userHandle,			/* r: handle for user structure     */
int        code				/* r: unused in this function       */

5.4. chEventUserSetAttr


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventUserSetAttr

    Event function for a chEventUserSetAttr event

    This function is called whenever a client changes one of its attributes.

    This is an example function, it is only called when the event
    chEventUserSetAttr is registered via a call to chSessionRegisterEvent
    and chSessionCmdSubscribe.

    The attributes that can be changed by a client are the url of its avatar,
    its nickname, its public info and its application attributes.

    In particular if ( attr & 1 ) is true for the application attributes,
    the client is invisible to other clients in the scene.

    The function can deny the change of attributes by calling the
    chUserSetNewDataFailed function.
    Reason codes for the deny are specified in apextern.h.

    The function can allow the change of attributes by calling the
    chUserSetNewData function.

    The function can silently ignore the change of attributes by doing
    nothing. The client will not be told about this denial of
    change of values. This is useful for example in order to make
    the client not use a different avatar without further ado.


void chEventUserSetAttr(
CHHandle_t userHandle,			/* r: handle for user structure     */
int        code				/* r: code which attribute changed  */

5.5. chEventUserSetAttrLog


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventUserSetAttrLog

    Event function for a apchEventUserSetAttrLog event

    This function is called whenever a client changes one of its attributes.

    This is an example function, it is only called when the event
    apchEventUserSetAttrLog is registered via a call to chSessionRegisterEvent
    and chSessionCmdSubscribe.

    The function can read the new attributes.

    The new attributes are already accepted by Community Server when this function
    is called.


void chEventUserSetAttrLog(
CHHandle_t userHandle,			/* r: handle for user structure     */
int        code				/* r: code which attribute changed  */

5.6. chEventUserText


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventUserText

    Event function for a chEventUserText event

    This function is called whenever a client sends a text.

    The function can read the text sent by calling the 
    chUserGetText function.

    The function can find out the group id of the text group the text
    was sent to by calling the chUserGetGroupID function.

    The function can find out the topic of the text group the text
    was sent to by calling the chUserGetGroupTopic function.

    The function can ignore the sending of the text by calling the
    chUserSetTextIgnore function. The text will not be forwarded to
    any other users in this case.

    The function can replace the text sent by the user with a replacement
    text by calling the chUserSetText function.

    The client will not be told that the text was ignored or changed.

    This is an example function, it is only called when the event
    chEventUserText is registered via a call to chSessionRegisterEvent
    and chSessionCmdSubscribe.


void chEventUserText(
CHHandle_t userHandle,			/* r: handle for user structure     */
int        code				/* r: unused in this function       */

5.7. chEventUserTextLog


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventUserTextLog

    Event function for a apchEventUserTextLog event

    This function is called whenever a client sends a text.

    This is an example function, it is only called when the event
    apchEventUserTextLog is registered via a call to chSessionRegisterEvent
    and chSessionCmdSubscribe.

    The function can read the text sent, by calling chUserGetText.

    The function can find out the group id of the text group the text
    was sent to by calling the chUserGetGroupID function.

    The function can find out the topic of the text group the text
    was sent to by calling the chUserGetGroupTopic function.

    The text has already been forwarded to the other clients when this
    function is called.


void chEventUserTextLog(
CHHandle_t userHandle,			/* r: handle for user structure     */
int        code				/* r: unused in this function       */

6. Scene Related Event Functions


All Scene Related Event Functions have to be registered with the Community Server Api before they are called.

Examples for the functions are supplied in apevent.c. Those functions may be customized by users of the API server.

6.1. chEventSceneNew


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventSceneNew

    Event function for a EventSceneNew event

    This function is called whenever a new scene gets created by
    Community Server.

    This is an example function, it is only called when the event
    apchEventSceneNew is registered via a call to chSessionRegisterEvent
    and chSessionCmdSubscribe.

    The function can read the values set for the scene by using the
    chSceneGet... functions.

    Community Server has already created the scene when the function is called.


void chEventSceneNew(
CHHandle_t sceneHandle,			/* r: handle for scene structure    */
int        code				/* r: unused in this function       */

6.2. chEventSceneDelete


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventSceneDelete

    Event function for a EventSceneDelete event

    This function is called whenever a scene gets deleted by
    Community Server.

    This is an example function, it is only called when the event
    apchEventSceneDelete is registered via a call to chSessionRegisterEvent
    and chSessionCmdSubscribe.

    The function can read the values set for the scene by using the
    chSceneGet... functions.

    Community Server has already deleted the scene when the function is called.


void chEventSceneDelete(
CHHandle_t sceneHandle,			/* r: handle for scene structure    */
int        code				/* r: unused in this function       */

7. Session Related API Calls


The following API Calls exist for Session Objects.

7.1. Creation, Subscribe, Register Events, Access


7.1.1. chSessionAllowAll


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionAllowAll

    This sets a flag with the API server telling it to accept
    connections from any Community Server regardless of whether
    a session was created beforehand via a call to chSessionCreate.

    The default of the flag at startup time of the API server is 0.

    I.e. only sessions from community servers explicitly created
    via a call to chSessionCreate are allowed.

    If this flag is set, request subscribe requests from unknown 
    Community Servers will result in a call to chEventSessionReqSubscribe
    with parameter "unknown" set to 1.

    See chEventSessionReqSubscribe for how to handle such subcribe requests.

    int rc: The previous value of the SessionAllowAll flag of the API server.

int chSessionAllowAll( 
int allow         /* flag: Allow sessions from any Community Server   */

7.1.2. chSessionAllow


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionAllow

    This function tells the API server to allow a session by a Community
    Server. It has to be called in the event function
    chEventSessionReqSubscribe in order to allow a session from
    a Community Server that was not explicitly created by a call to

    If chEventSessionReqSubscribe is called with parameter

      unknown != 0

    and this function is not called subsequently, the session by the
    unknown Community Server is ignored.

    int rc ==  0: Call went ok.
    int rc == -1: sessionHandle is invalid

int chSessionAllow( 
CHHandle_t         sessionHandle        /* r: handle for session structure  */

7.1.3. chSessionCreate


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionCreate

    Create a session for the API server.

    After creation of a session, the Community Server in question will be
    continously informed about the existence of the API server.
    If the API server is configured with Community Server, Community Server
    will answer with a request to subscribe.

    This will cause the chEventSessionReqSubscribe function to be called.

    Furthermore the chEventSessionPeriodic event function will be called
    periodically for the session.

    If you want to do timeout handling in case Community Server does not answer,
    use the results of the functions chSessionGetCreateTime and
    chSessionGetReqSubscribeTime for determining the time elapsed since
    creation of the session.

    int rc ==  0: Session create went ok
    int rc == -1: Out of memory
    int rc == -2: There is already a session to the Community Server with internet
                  address and port specified.

int chSessionCreate( 
char *             hostname,    /* r: name of host of ID server     */
CH_port_t          port,        /* r: port used by ID server        */
char *             addr,        /* r: internet address of ID server */
int                alen         /* r: length of that address        */

7.1.4. chSessionCmdSubscribe


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionCmdSubscribe

    This subscribes the events set by previous calls to chSessionRegisterEvent
    with Community Server.

    This registers the events registered locally with Community Server.

    If Community Server acknowledges the registration the
    chEventSessionAckSubscribe function will be called.

    int    rc ==  0: ok, subscribe sent
    int    rc == -1: sessionHandle is invalid

int chSessionCmdSubscribe(
CHHandle_t         sessionHandle    /* r: handle for session structure  */

7.1.5. chSessionRegisterEvent


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionRegisterEvent

    Register an event funktion for one of the events.

    See apextern.h for events that can be registered.

    If the eventFunc is NULL, the event is disabled.

    int    rc ==  0: ok, event registered
    int    rc == -1: sessionHandle is invalid
    int    rc == -2: eventTag is invalid

int chSessionRegisterEvent(
CHHandle_t         sessionHandle,   /* r: handle for session structure  */
CHEvent_t          eventTag,        /* r: which event to register       */
CHHandlerFuncPtr_t eventFunc        /* r: function that handles event   */

7.1.6. chSessionResetIter


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionResetIter

    Resets the list iterator of the session list to top of the list. Call
    csSessionGetNext() to retrieve all session objects.

    int rc == -1: There is no session at all

int chSessionResetIter( void )

7.1.7. chSessionGetNext


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionGetNext

    The session list iterator advances to the next list entry. 

    CHHandle_t Handle: Use the makro CHEoList on the handle returned.
    CHEoList( Handle ) != 0: The End of the list has been reached.
    CHEoList( Handle ) == 0: Handle is the Handle of the next element of the list.

CHHandle_t chSessionGetNext( void )

7.2. Setting Session Values


7.2.1. chSessionSetPeriod


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionSetPeriod

    Sets the period in which the periodic event of a session is called.

    int rc ==  0: The period was set
    int rc == -1: The sessionHandle is invalid

int chSessionSetPeriod(
CHHandle_t     sessionHandle,    /* r: handle for session structure          */
struct timeval period         /* r: period to be used for the session     */

7.3. Reading Session Values


7.3.1. chSessionGetAckSubscribeTime


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionGetAckSubscribeTime

    Gets the time in seconds since the epoch,
    since when the last ackSubscribe event was received.

    time_t rc == -1: The sessionHandle is invalid
    time_t rc ==  0: There was never a ackSubscribe received

    otherwise:    The time when the last ackSubscribe arrived.

time_t chSessionGetAckSubscribeTime(
CHHandle_t   sessionHandle        /* r: handle for session structure  */

7.3.2. chSessionGetApiId


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionGetApiId

    Gets the API Id of the session in question.

    CH_id_t rc ==  0: The sessionHandle is invalid

    otherwise:    The API ID of the session in question.

CH_id_t chSessionGetApiId(
CHHandle_t   sessionHandle        /* r: handle for session structure  */

7.3.3. chSessionGetCreateTime


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionGetCreateTime

    Gets the time in seconds since the epoch when the session was created.

    time_t rc == -1: The sessionHandle is invalid
    time_t rc ==  0: The session was never created

    otherwise:    The time when the session was created.

time_t chSessionGetCreateTime(
CHHandle_t   sessionHandle        /* r: handle for session structure  */

7.3.4. chSessionGetIdserverHostname


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionGetIdserverHostname

    Gets the Hostname used by the ID server of a session

    char * retptr == NULL: The sessionHandle is invalid

    otherwise:    The Hostname of the ID server of the session.
                  A \0 terminated string.

char * chSessionGetIdserverHostname(
CHHandle_t   sessionHandle        /* r: handle for session structure  */

7.3.5. chSessionGetIdserverIP


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionGetIdserverIP

    Gets the IP address used by the ID server of the Community Server 
    connected to a session.

    CH_ip_t rc ==  0: The sessionHandle is invalid

    otherwise:    The IP address of the ID server of the session in
                  network byte order.

CH_ip_t chSessionGetIdserverIP(
CHHandle_t   sessionHandle        /* r: handle for session structure  */

7.3.6. chSessionGetIdserverPort


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionGetIdserverPort

    Gets the Port number used by the ID server of a session.

    CH_port_t rc ==  0: The sessionHandle is invalid

    otherwise:    The Port number of the ID server of the session in
                  network byte order.

CH_port_t chSessionGetIdserverPort(
CHHandle_t   sessionHandle        /* r: handle for session structure  */

7.3.7. chSessionGetLastPacketTime


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionGetLastPacketTime

    Gets the time in seconds since the epoch,
    since when the last packet was received for the session.

    time_t rc == -1: The sessionHandle is invalid
    time_t rc ==  0: There was never a packet received

    otherwise:    The time when the last packet arrived.

time_t chSessionGetLastPacketTime(
CHHandle_t   sessionHandle        /* r: handle for session structure  */

7.3.8. chSessionGetNofScenes


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionGetNofScenes

    Gets the number of scenes active in a session

    int rc < 0: The sessionHandle is invalid

    otherwise: number of scenes in the session

int chSessionGetNofScenes(
CHHandle_t   sessionHandle        /* r: handle for session structure  */

7.3.9. chSessionGetPort


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionGetPort

    Gets the Port number used by a session

    CH_port_t rc ==  0: The sessionHandle is invalid

    otherwise:    The port number used by the session in network byte order.

CH_port_t chSessionGetPort(
CHHandle_t   sessionHandle        /* r: handle for session structure  */

7.3.10. chSessionGetReqSubscribeTime


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionGetReqSubscribeTime

    Gets the time in seconds since the epoch,
    since when the last reqSubscribe event was received.

    time_t rc == -1: The sessionHandle is invalid
    time_t rc ==  0: There was never a reqSubscribe received

    otherwise:    The time when the last reqSubscribe arrived.

time_t chSessionGetReqSubscribeTime(
CHHandle_t   sessionHandle        /* r: handle for session structure  */

7.3.11. chSessionGetSocket


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSessionGetSocket

    Gets the socket fd that is used by a session

    int rc == -1: The sessionHandle is invalid
    int rc == -2: The session does not have a socket

    otherwise:    The socket used by the session

int chSessionGetSocket(
CHHandle_t   sessionHandle        /* r: handle for session structure  */

8. User Related API Calls


The following API Calls exist for User Objects.

8.1. Accesssing Existing Users per Session and per Scene


8.1.1. chUserResetIter


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserResetIter

    Resets the list iterator of the user list of a session to top of the list.
    Call chUserGetNext() to retrieve all user objects.

    int rc == -1: There is no user at all
    int rc == -2: The session handle used is invalid

int chUserResetIter( 
CHHandle_t     sessionHandle    /* r: handle for session structure          */

8.1.2. chUserGetNext


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetNext

    The user list iterator advances to the next list entry. 

    CHHandle_t Handle: Use the makro CHEoList on the userHandle returned.

    CHEoList( Handle ) != 0: The End of the list has been reached.
    CHEoList( Handle ) == 0: Handle is the userHandle of the next
                             element of the list.

CHHandle_t chUserGetNext( 
CHHandle_t     sessionHandle    /* r: handle for session structure          */

8.1.3. chSceneUserResetIter


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSceneUserResetIter

    Resets the list iterator of the user list of a scene to top of the list.
    Call chSceneUserGetNext() to retrieve all user objects.

    int rc == -1: There is no user at all
    int rc == -2: The scene handle used is invalid

int chSceneUserResetIter( 
CHHandle_t     sceneHandle      /* r: handle for scene structure            */

8.1.4. chSceneUserGetNext


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSceneUserGetNext

    The user list per scene iterator advances to the next list entry. 

    CHHandle_t Handle: Use the makro CHEoList on the userHandle returned.

    CHEoList( Handle ) != 0: The End of the list has been reached.
    CHEoList( Handle ) == 0: Handle is the userHandle of the next
                             element of the list.

CHHandle_t chSceneUserGetNext( 
CHHandle_t     sceneHandle      /* r: handle for scene structure            */

8.2. Setting User Values


8.2.1. chUserSendText


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserSendText

    Sends a text as a user.

    If the pointer to the receiverHandle is not NULL the text is only sent
    to that specific user.

    Otherwise the text is sent to all members of of the group specified
    but not to the sending user.

    int rc ==  0: call went ok
    int rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid
    int rc == -2: The text can't be sent
    int rc == -3: The receiver handle is not NULL and does not specify an
                  existing user.

int chUserSendText(
CHHandle_t  userHandle,      /* r: handle for user structure     */
CHHandle_t *receiverHandle,  /* r: handle for receiving user     */
const char* text,            /* r: text to set                   */
int         textlen,         /* r: length of that text           */
const char* topic,           /* r: topic of group to send to     */
int         topiclen         /* r: length of that topic          */

8.2.2. chUserSetAttr


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserSetAttr

    Sets the application attributes for the user, this function can only be used
    from inside a chEventUserNew handler function.

    This function can be used to change the application attributes
    used by a user entering a scene.

    int rc ==  0: call went ok
    int rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid
    int rc == -2: The function was called from outside the apchEventUserNew
                  Event handler function
    int rc == -3: The length of the application attributes to set is not
                  sizeof( CH_4byte_t ).

int chUserSetAttr(
CHHandle_t  userHandle,      /* r: handle for user structure     */
CH_4byte_t  attr,            /* r: attr to set                   */
int         attrlen          /* r: length of that attr           */

8.2.3. chUserSetDenied


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserSetDenied

    Sets the denied flag for the user, this function can only be used
    from inside a chEventUserNew handler function.

    Unless th reason is CH_NOMORE to remove a user from the scene afterwards.
    This is used by the msserver for excluded users.

    The user will not be allowed to enter the scene with Community Server, the
    reason given here will be sent to the user.

    See apextern.h for reason codes.

    int rc ==  0: call went ok
    int rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid
    int rc == -2: The function was called from outside the apchEventUserNew
                  Event handler function

int chUserSetDenied(
CHHandle_t userHandle,           /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        reasonCode            /* r: reasoncode for user deny      */

8.2.4. chUserSetInfo


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserSetInfo

    Sets the info for the user, this function can only be used
    from inside a chEventUserNew handler function.

    This function can be used to change the info of a user entering a

    int rc ==  0: call went ok
    int rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid
    int rc == -2: The function was called from outside the apchEventUserNew
                  Event handler function

int chUserSetInfo(
CHHandle_t  userHandle,      /* r: handle for user structure     */
const char* info,            /* r: info to set                   */
int         infolen          /* r: length of that info           */

8.2.5. chUserSetNewData


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserSetNewData

    Sets the value of the new data a user wants to set.

    This function can only be called from within a
    apchEventUserSetAttr event handling function

    If this function is called from within the apchEventUserSetAttr
    event handling function the change of attributes requested by the
    user will be confirmed.

    int rc ==  0: The new data has been set
    int rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid
    int rc == -2: The function was called from outside the apchEventUserSetAttr
                  Event handler function
    int rc == -3: code is invalid

int chUserSetNewData(
CHHandle_t   userHandle,     /* r: handle for user structure     */
int          code            /* r: the code of the data to set   */

8.2.6. chUserSetNewDataFailed


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserSetNewDataFailed

    This function can only be called from inside the apchEventUserSetAttr
    Event Handler function.

    Use it to inform the user that his attempt to change one of the attributes
    was denied. Give the reason for the deny.

    int rc ==  0: call went ok
    int rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid
    int rc == -2: The function was called from outside the apchEventUserNew
                  Event handler function

int chUserSetNewDataFailed(
CHHandle_t userHandle,           /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        reasonCode            /* r: reasoncode for user deny      */

8.2.7. chUserSetNickname


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserSetNickname

    Sets the nickname for the user, this function can only be used
    from inside a chEventUserNew handler function.

    This function can be used to change the nickname
    used by a user entering a scene.

    int rc ==  0: call went ok
    int rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid
    int rc == -2: The function was called from outside the apchEventUserNew
                  Event handler function

int chUserSetNickname(
CHHandle_t  userHandle,          /* r: handle for user structure     */
const char* nickname,            /* r: nickname to set               */
int         nicknamelen          /* r: length of that nickname       */

8.2.8. chUserSetText


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserSetText

    Sets a replacement text for a text sent by a user.
    The replacement text will be sent to the peers of the
    user instead of the text the user sent.
    This function can only be used from inside a chEventUserText
    handler function.

    int rc ==  0: call went ok
    int rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid
    int rc == -2: The function was called from outside the apchEventUserText
                  Event handler function

int chUserSetText(
CHHandle_t  userHandle,      /* r: handle for user structure     */
const char* text,            /* r: text to set                   */
int         textlen          /* r: length of that text           */

8.2.9. chUserSetTextIgnore


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserSetTextIgnore

    Sets the ignore flag for the last text the user sent.
    this function can only be used from inside a chEventUserText
    handler function.

    The text the user has sent will not be forwarded to the peers.

    int rc ==  0: call went ok
    int rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid
    int rc == -2: The function was called from outside the apchEventUserText
                  Event handler function

int chUserSetTextIgnore(
CHHandle_t userHandle                   /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.2.10. chUserSetUrl


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserSetUrl

    Sets the url for the user, this function can only be used
    from inside a chEventUserNew handler function.

    This function can be used to change the url of the avatar
    used by a user entering a scene.

    int rc ==  0: call went ok
    int rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid
    int rc == -2: The function was called from outside the apchEventUserNew
                  Event handler function

int chUserSetUrl(
CHHandle_t  userHandle,     /* r: handle for user structure     */
const char* url,            /* r: url to set                    */
int         urllen          /* r: length of that url            */

8.2.11. chUserSetApplicationData


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserSetApplicationData

    Sets the application data for the user.

    The application can read the data it has set for a user by a call to

    This function does not malloc or free any data buffers,
    nor does it do any consistency checks on the application data,
    it simply lets the application set a pointer and an integer value
    that can be retrieved later.

    int rc ==  0: call went ok
    int rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid

int chUserSetApplicationData(
CHHandle_t  userHandle,      /* r: handle for user structure     */
char       *data,            /* r: data to set                   */
int         datalen          /* r: length of that data           */

8.3. Reading User Values


8.3.1. chUserGetAttr


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetAttr

    Gets the value of the application attributes of a user.

    The application attributes are actually of type CH_4byte_t.
    Use memcpy to copy the data into a variable of that type before
    you use it.

    char * retptr == NULL: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

const char * chUserGetAttr(
CHHandle_t   userHandle,    /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

8.3.2. chUserGetCreateTime


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetCreateTime

    Gets the time in seconds since the epoch when the user was created.

    time_t rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise:    The time when the user was created.

time_t chUserGetCreateTime(
CHHandle_t   userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.3.3. chUserGetLastTextTime


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetLastTextTime

    Gets the time in seconds since the epoch when the user sent the last

    If this function is called during a chEventUserText or chEventUserTextLog
    event it returns the time the last text was sent by the user, not the
    current time.

    time_t rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise:    The time when the user sent the last text.

time_t chUserGetLastTextTime(
CHHandle_t   userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.3.4. chUserGetDenied


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetDenied

    Gets the value of the Denied status of a user.

    This is the value set by chUserSetDenied during handling of

    int rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid.
    int rc ==  0: The user was allowed in the scene.

    otherwise:    The user was not allowed in the scene. The reason set for
                  the deny is returned.

int chUserGetDenied(
CHHandle_t   userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.3.5. chUserGetEncryption


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetEncryption

    Gets the value of the Encryption of the passwd used by a user.

    The encryption is currently unused in the protocol.

    int rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid.

    otherwise:    The encryption used for the passwd of the user.
                  No values are defined up to now.

int chUserGetEncryption(
CHHandle_t   userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.3.6. chUserGetGroupID


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetGroupID

    Gets the ID of the group a text was sent to.

    This function can only be called from within a
    apchEventUserText or apchEventUserTextLog event handling

    CH_id_t rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid
    CH_id_t rc ==  0: The last text was not sent to a specific group.

    otherwise: otherwise the group id

CH_id_t chUserGetGroupID(
CHHandle_t   userHandle         /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.3.7. chUserGetGroupTopic


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetGroupTopic

    Gets the value of the topic of the group a text was sent to.

    This function can only be called from within a
    apchEventUserText or apchEventUserTextLog event handling

    It returns the topic of the group the user wants to send text to.

    char * retptr == NULL: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

const char * chUserGetGroupTopic(
CHHandle_t   userHandle,    /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

8.3.8. chUserGetId


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetId

    Gets the value of the ID used by a user.

    CH_id_t rc == 0: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: the ID of the user

CH_id_t chUserGetId(
CHHandle_t   userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.3.9. chUserGetInfo


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetInfo

    Gets the value of the public info of a user.

    char * retptr == NULL: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

const char * chUserGetInfo(
CHHandle_t   userHandle,    /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

8.3.10. chUserGetInstallId


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetInstallId

    Gets the value InstallId of the client installation of the user

    CyberGate up to Beta 5 sends always 0,0.
    CyberHubClient and Passport send an 8 byte ID unique for each installation.

    CHInstallId_t rc == -1: The userHandle is invalid.

    otherwise:    The value set by the user.

CHInstallId_t chUserGetInstallId(
CHHandle_t   userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.3.11. chUserGetIp


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetIp

    Gets the value of the IP address of the machine used by a user.
    If the user uses a TCP proxy connection, this call will return
    the address of the machine the Community Server Proxy server
    runs on.

    CH_ip_t rc == 0: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: the IP address of the machine the user is on in network
               byte order

CH_ip_t chUserGetIp(
CHHandle_t   userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.3.12. chUserGetRealIp


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetRealIp

    Gets the value of the IP address of the machine used by a user.
    If the user uses a TCP proxy connection, this call will return
    the address of the machine the client runs on.

    CH_ip_t rc == 0: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: the IP address of the machine the user is on in network
               byte order

CH_ip_t chUserGetRealIp(
CHHandle_t   userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.3.13. chUserGetSceneName


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetSceneName

    Gets the value of the logical scene name the user has set for the scene
    it is in.

    char * retptr == NULL: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

const char * chUserGetSceneName(
CHHandle_t   userHandle,    /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

8.3.14. chUserGetSceneHandle


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetSceneHandle

    Gets the scene handle of the scene the user is in.
    This scene handle can be used in subsequent chSceneGet...

    CHHandle_t Handle: Use the makro CHEoList on the sceneHandle returned.

    CHEoList( Handle ) != 0: The userHandle specified is invalid
    CHEoList( Handle ) == 0: Handle is the sceneHandle of the scene
                             the user is in.

CHHandle_t chUserGetSceneHandle( 
CHHandle_t     userHandle       /* r: handle for user structure             */

8.3.15. chUserGetNewData


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetNewData

    Gets the value of the new data a user wants to set.

    This function can only be called from within a
    apchEventUserSetAttr or apchEventUserSetAttrLog event handling

    It returns the new data the user wants to set.

    char * retptr == NULL: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

const char * chUserGetNewData(
CHHandle_t   userHandle,    /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

8.3.16. chUserGetNickname


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetNickname

    Gets the value of the nickname of a user.

    char * retptr == NULL: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

const char * chUserGetNickname(
CHHandle_t   userHandle,    /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

8.3.17. chUserGetPasswd


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetPasswd

    Gets the value of the passwd of a user.

    char * retptr == NULL: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

const char * chUserGetPasswd(
CHHandle_t   userHandle,    /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

8.3.18. chUserGetPort


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetPort

    Gets the value of the Port Number used by a the client program of a user.

    CH_port_t rc == 0: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: the Port Number the user is using in network
               byte order

CH_port_t chUserGetPort(
CHHandle_t   userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.3.19. chUserGetSceneurl


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetSceneurl

    Gets the value of the url of the scene a user is in or wants
    to enter.

    char * retptr == NULL: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

const char * chUserGetSceneurl(
CHHandle_t   userHandle,    /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

8.3.20. chUserGetText


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetText

    Gets the value of the text a user wants to send.

    This function can only be called from within a
    apchEventUserText or apchEventUserTextLog event handling

    It returns the text the user wants to send.

    char * retptr == NULL: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

const char * chUserGetText(
CHHandle_t   userHandle,    /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

8.3.21. chUserGetUserid


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetUserid

    Gets the value of the userid of a user.

    char * retptr == NULL: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

const char * chUserGetUserid(
CHHandle_t   userHandle,    /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

8.3.22. chUserGetUrl


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetUrl

    Gets the value of the url of the avatar used by a user.

    char * retptr == NULL: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

const char * chUserGetUrl(
CHHandle_t   userHandle,    /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

8.3.23. chUserGetVersion


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetVersion

    Gets the value of the Community Server protocol version number used by a user.

    CyberGate up to Beta 5 uses 102.
    CyberHubClient Beta 1 up to build 35 uses 103.
    Passport 2.0 uses 105

    CH_version_t rc == 0: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: the Version Number the user is using.

CH_version_t chUserGetVersion(
CHHandle_t   userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.3.24. chUserGetApplicationData


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetApplicationData

    Gets the value of the application data set for a user.

    char * retptr == NULL: The userHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

char * chUserGetApplicationData(
CHHandle_t   userHandle,    /* r: handle for user structure     */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

8.3.25. chUserGetPosition


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetPosition

    Gets the value of the position set by the user

    CHPosition_t position: The position of the user

CHPosition_t chUserGetPosition(
CHHandle_t   userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.3.26. chUserGetOrientation


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetOrientation

    Gets the value of the orientation set by the user

    CHOrientation_t orientation: The orientation of the user

CHOrientation_t chUserGetOrientation(
CHHandle_t   userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

8.3.27. chUserGetStatusBits


  FUNCTION NAME:        chUserGetStatusBits

    Gets the value of the status bits set by the user

    CH_4byte_t statusbits: The status bits of the user

CH_4byte_t chUserGetStatusBits(
CHHandle_t   userHandle                 /* r: handle for user structure     */

9. Scene Related API Calls


The following API Calls exist for Scene Objects.

9.1. Accesssing Existing Scenes per Session


9.1.1. chSceneResetIter


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSceneResetIter

    Resets the list iterator of the scene list of a session to top of the list.
    Call csSceneGetNext() to retrieve all scene objects.

    int rc == -1: There is no scene at all
    int rc == -2: The session handle used is invalid

int chSceneResetIter( 
CHHandle_t     sessionHandle    /* r: handle for session structure          */

9.1.2. chSceneGetNext


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSceneGetNext

    The scene list iterator advances to the next list entry. 

    CHHandle_t Handle: Use the makro CHEoList on the sceneHandle returned.

    CHEoList( Handle ) != 0: The End of the list has been reached.
    CHEoList( Handle ) == 0: Handle is the sceneHandle of the next
                             element of the list.

CHHandle_t chSceneGetNext( 
CHHandle_t     sessionHandle    /* r: handle for session structure          */

9.2. Getting Scene Values


9.2.1. chSceneGetUrl


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSceneGetUrl

    Gets the value of the url of a scene

    char * retptr == NULL: The sceneHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

const char * chSceneGetUrl(
CHHandle_t   sceneHandle,   /* r: handle for scene structure    */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

9.2.2. chSceneGetName


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSceneGetName

    Gets the value of the logical scene name of a scene

    char * retptr == NULL: The sceneHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

const char * chSceneGetName(
CHHandle_t   sceneHandle,   /* r: handle for scene structure    */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

9.2.3. chSceneGetNofUsers


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSceneGetNofUsers

    Gets the number of users currently in a scene.

    int  rc < 0: The sceneHandle is invalid

    otherwise: number of users in the scene

int chSceneGetNofUsers(
CHHandle_t   sceneHandle         /* r: handle for scene structure    */

9.2.4. chSceneGetKeepalive


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSceneGetKeepalive

    Gets the value of the keepalive flag of a scene.

    The keepalive flag indicates whether a scene is made visible
    because of a SHOWSCENE used in the indserver configuration file

    int ret == 1: The scene is made visible at the idserver by
                  a SHOWSCENE statement in the idserver configuration.

    int ret == 0: The scene is not mentioned in the idserver configuration

    int rec  < 0: The sceneHandle is invalid
int chSceneGetKeepalive(
CHHandle_t   sceneHandle    /* r: handle for scene structure    */

9.2.5. chSceneGetApplicationData


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSceneGetApplicationData

    Gets the value of the application data stored with a scene

    char * retptr == NULL: The sceneHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

char * chSceneGetApplicationData(
CHHandle_t   sceneHandle,   /* r: handle for scene structure    */
int        * len            /* w: length of value on return     */

9.3. Setting Scene Values


9.3.1. chSceneSetApplicationData


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSceneSetApplicationData

    Sets the value of the application data stored with a scene.

    The application can read the data it has set for a scene by a call to

    This function does not malloc or free any data buffers,
    nor does it do any consistency checks on the application data,
    it simply lets the application set a pointer and an integer value
    that can be retrieved later.

    int rc ==  0: call went ok
    int rc == -1: The sceneHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

int chSceneSetApplicationData(
CHHandle_t   sceneHandle,   /* r: handle for scene structure    */
char        *data,          /* r: data to set for scene         */
int          datalen        /* r: length of that data           */

9.3.2. chSceneSetTextEventStatus


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSceneSetTextEventStatus

    This function allows to deactivate or activate text events for
    a scene.

    If the application subscribes to text events and calls this function
    with the status parameter set to 1, no more text events will be
    delivered for the scene specified.

    Text events can be turned on again by calling this function 
    with the status parameter set to 0.

    int rc ==  0: call went ok
    int rc == -1: The sceneHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

int chSceneSetTextEventStatus(
CHHandle_t   sceneHandle,   /* r: handle for scene structure    */
int          status         /* r: status to set                 */

9.3.3. chSceneSetPositionEventStatus


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSceneSetPositionEventStatus

    This function allows to deactivate or activate position events for
    a scene.

    If the application subscribes to position events and calls this function
    with the status parameter set to 1, no more position events will be
    delivered for the scene specified.

    Position events can be turned on again by calling this function 
    with the status parameter set to 0.

    int rc ==  0: call went ok
    int rc == -1: The sceneHandle is invalid

    otherwise: a pointer to the data requested, the out parameter len
               contains the number of significant bytes in this buffer.

int chSceneSetPositionEventStatus(
CHHandle_t   sceneHandle,   /* r: handle for scene structure    */
int          status         /* r: status to set                 */

10. Remote Access Events


The Remote Access library is also part of the Community Server API. See the Remote Access Server documentation for details.

10.1. UDP Requests


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventUdpRequest

    This function is called whenever a UDP client request comes in.

    This is an example function, it is only called when the event
    apchEventUdpRequest is registered via a call to chSessionRegisterEvent.
    Use the RA server api call raGetArg to retrieve the arguments one by

    And use raSetResult to set result strings for the client application.

    At least one result string has to be set, otherwise the client api
    call returns with the error RA_ERR_DENIED.


void chEventUdpRequest(
char            *client,		/* client that sent the request     */
int              inargc,		/* number of arguments sent         */
char            *inargv[]		/* pointerarray of arguments sent   */

10.2. HTTP Requests


  FUNCTION NAME:        chEventHttpRequest

    This function is called whenever a Http client request comes in.
    This is an example function, it is only called when the event
    apchEventHttpRequest is registered via a call to 
    chSessionRegisterEvent and the TCP listen port is specified
    via the command line parameter -tp.

    Use the RA server raGetHttp... API functions in order to read
    the data sent by the client and use raSetHttpResult to set result
    strings for the client application.


void chEventHttpRequest(
char  *connection               /* r: connection that sent the request  */

11. Handling Shared Events


11.1. Usage


The Shared Event library is also part of the Community Server API. The sesample subdirectory contains a complete example that uses all functions. An HTML interface allows to send shared events and to test the server. Test the example here. To test your own server, install the setest server and insert your own Community Server and port in contact.bxx.
All stored events of a scene are sent to a client after he enters the scene.

11.2. Configuration


Shared events are stored if the server is started with the -se option. The seserver.cfg file specifies which events are stored forever or while a scene is populated. Each line in that file contains an entry

scenename#eventname lifetime
A wild card * at the end of scenename and eventname are possible. The lifetime is either P, which means while a scene is populated or F which means forever. The default configuration is
*#P_* P
*#F_* F
which means that in all scenes on that server, all shared events starting with P_ are stored while someone is in the scene, and all shared events starting with F_ will be stored forever.

11.3. Storage


All events are stored in the file seserver.dat. Each line contains one event in the format:
scenename#eventname#type value
The file will be updated every minute after a change or whenever the server is stopped. Events can be deleted from that file manually by just deleting the line while the server is stopped.

11.4. Functions


11.4.1. chSharedEventIsShared


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventIsShared

    Checks whether the current text contains a shared event
    Can be used in chEventUserText or chEventUserTextLog

    int rc == 1: shared event
        rc == 0: not a shared event 

int chSharedEventIsShared ( 
CHHandle_t userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

11.4.2. chSharedEventNoStore


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventNoStore

    The current event will not be stored.
    Can be used only in chEventUserTextLog

    int rc == 0: ok
        rc == -1: not called inside chEventUserTextLog 

int chSharedEventNoStore( 
CHHandle_t userHandle            /* r: handle for user structure     */

11.4.3. chSharedEventSetPrecision


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventSetPrecision

    Set the float precision for EventCreateFloat.
    Default is 4.

    int rc == 0: ok
        rc == -1: not a correct precision [0-9] 

int chSharedEventSetPrecision ( 
int precision       /* r: precision value */

11.4.4. chSharedEventGet


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventGet

    Get the current shared event. The ouput parameter will point to a static
    buffer that will be replaced by the next call to that function.
    Can be used in chEventUserText or chEventUserTextLog

    int rc == 0: all out parameters are set for the event
        rc ==-1: not a correct event 
        rc ==-2: parameter error
        rc ==-3: no text or not a shared event 

int chSharedEventGet ( 
CHHandle_t userHandle,            /* r: handle for user structure     */
char **name,                      /* w: name of the event  */
int  *typei,                      /* w: type of the event  */
char **value,                     /* w: value of the event */
int  *noOfValues                  /* w: no of single values of the event, */
                                  /*    e.g. for an SFVec3f it would be 3 */

11.4.5. chSharedEventCreateFloat


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventCreateFloat

    Create a shared event with float(s) as values. The output parameter will 
    point to a static buffer that will be replaced by the next call to that 
    function. The event can either be stored using chSharedEventStore or sent 
    using chUserSendText.
    use for SFFloat, SFColor, SFVec2f, SFVec3f, SFRotation, 

    int rc == 0: the output parameters is set for the event
        rc < 0: not a correct event, error code 

int chSharedEventCreateFloat ( 
char *name,       /* r: name of the event  */
int   typei,      /* r: type of the event  */
float *value,     /* r: array of floats */
int  noOfValues,  /* r: no of floats in value */
char **event      /* w: output event  */

11.4.6. chSharedEventCreateString


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventCreateString

    Create a shared event with a string as a values. The output parameter will
    point to a static buffer that will be replaced by the next call to that
    function. The event can either be stored using chSharedEventStore or sent
    using chUserSendText.

    int rc == 0: the output parameters is set for the event
        rc < 0: not a correct event, error code 

int chSharedEventCreateString ( 
char *name,       /* r: name of the event  */
int   typei,      /* r: type of the event  */
char *value,      /* r: string value */
char **event      /* w: output event  */

11.4.7. chSharedEventCreateLong


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventCreateLong

    Create a shared event with int(s) as values. The output parameter will 
    point to a static buffer that will be replaced by the next call to that
    function. The event can either be stored using chSharedEventStore or sent
    using chUserSendText.
    Use for SFInt32, SFBool, SFTime

    int rc == 0: the output parameters is set for the event
        rc < 0: not a correct event, error code 

int chSharedEventCreateLong ( 
char *name,       /* r: name of the event  */
int  typei,       /* r: type of the event  */
long value,       /* r: long value */
char **event      /* w; output event  */

11.4.8. chSharedEventGetFloat


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventGetFloat

    read a value with float(s). 
    use for SFFloat, SFColor, SFVec2f, SFVec3f, SFRotation, 

    int rc > 0: the output parameters is set for the event, 
    and the number of values read is returned
        rc < 0: not a correct event, error code 

int chSharedEventGetFloat ( 
char *value,      /* r: value of the event  */
float *floats,   /* r: array of floats */
int  noOfValues   /* r: no of floats in floats */

11.4.9. chSharedEventGetLong


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventGetLong

    read a value with long, int or bool(s). 
    Use for SFInt32, SFBool, SFTime

    int rc == 1: the output parameters is set for the event, 
        rc < 0: not a correct event, error code 

int chSharedEventGetLong ( 
char *value,      /* r: value of the event  */
long *lvalue      /* r: long value */

11.4.10. chSharedEventGetString


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventGetString

    read a value with string. 
    use for SFString, 

    int rc > 0: the output parameters is set for the event, 
    and the number of values read is returned
        rc < 0: not a correct event, error code 

int chSharedEventGetString ( 
char *value,      /* r: value of the event  */
char **svalue     /* w: string output */

11.4.11. chSharedEventStore


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventStore

    Store the specified shared event for the scene. It will be stored only if 
    the persistency mode is "populated" or "forever". This means that the name
    must match a name in seserver.cfg. If the event exists,
    the value will be updated.

    int rc == 0: event stored
        rc < 0: error code, e.g. because event is not persistent 

int chSharedEventStore ( 
const char *scene,/* r: name of the scene  */
char *event       /* r: the event  */

11.4.12. chSharedEventFindStored


  FUNCTION NAmE:        chSharedEventFindStored

    Find the event in the database and get the value. 

    int rc == 0: the out parameters are set for the event
        rc < 0: not a correct event, error code 

int chSharedEventFindStored ( 
const char *scene,/* r: name of the scene  */
char *name,       /* r: name of the event  */
int   typei,      /* r: type of the event  */
char **value,     /* w: value of the event */
int  *noOfValues  /* w: no of single values of the event,
                        e.g. for an SFVec3f it would be 3 */

11.4.13. chSharedEventGetFirstStored


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventGetFirstStored

    Get the first shared event from the database. 
    After calling chSharedEventDeleteStored or chSharedEventStore, the iteration must
    be started again with chSharedEventGetFirstStored

    int rc == 1: event found
        rc == 0: no more events 
        rc < 0: error code

int chSharedEventGetFirstStored ( 
char **scene,      /* w: name of the scene  */
char **name,       /* w: name of the event  */
int  *typei,       /* w: type of the event  */
char **value,      /* w: value of the event */
int  *noOfValues   /* w: no of single values of the event,
                         e.g. for an SFVec3f it would be 3 */

11.4.14. chSharedEventGetNextStored


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventGetNextStored

    Get the next shared event from the database. 
    After calling chSharedEventDeleteStored or chSharedEventStore, the iteration must
    be started again with chSharedEventResetIter

    int rc == 1: event found
        rc == 0: no more events 
        rc < 0: error code

int chSharedEventGetNextStored ( 
char **scene,      /* w: name of the scene  */
char **name,       /* w: name of the event  */
int  *typei,       /* w: type of the event  */
char **value,      /* w: value of the event */
int  *noOfValues   /* w: no of single values of the event,
                         e.g. for an SFVec3f it would be 3 */

11.4.15. chSharedEventDeleteStored


  FUNCTION NAME:        chSharedEventDeleteStored

    Delete the specified shared event from the database. 

    int rc == 0: deleted
        rc < 0: error code 

int chSharedEventDeleteStored ( 
const char *scene,/* r: name of the scene  */
char *name,       /* r: name of the event  */
int   typei       /* r: type of the event  */

12. Community Server Users API Calls


The following functions allow an api server to create and maintain users at the blaxxun Community Server it is connected to. Users created can be sent into scenes, texts and shared events can be sent for the users, the 3D position of the users can be manipulated.

12.1. Function chCSUserCreate


  FUNCTION NAME:        chCSUserCreate

    This function has to be called if a new user is to be created with 
    Community Server.

    This function results in a call to the callback function specified.

    The parameter puniqueid is optional, however the chCS interface will
    only allow one user with the same puniqueid pnickname combination.

    So if you want to be able to add more than one user with the same
    nickname some id has to be chosen in order to make the combination


void        chCSUserCreate(
CHHandle_t  psessionHandle,        /* r: handle for session structure   */
char       *puniqueid,             /* r: unique id used by user         */
int         puniqueidlen,          /* r: length of that unique id       */
int         psocket,               /* r: socket to send packets through */
char       *puserid,               /* r: userid for GetId packet        */
int         puseridlen,            /* r: length of that id              */
int         pencryption,           /* r: encryption used for passwd     */
char       *ppassword,             /* r: password given by user         */
int         ppasswordlen,          /* r: length of that password        */
char       *pattributes,           /* r: application attributes of user */
int         pattributeslen,        /* r: length of these attributes     */
char       *psceneurl,             /* r: url of scene to enter          */
int         psceneurllen,          /* r: length if that url             */
char       *pnickname,             /* r: nickname used by user          */
int         pnicknamelen,          /* r: length of that nickname        */
char       *pinfo,                 /* r: public info of user            */
int         pinfolen,              /* r: length of that info            */
char       *pgroup,                /* r: group user wants to join       */
int         pgrouplen,             /* r: length of that group           */
char       *purl,                  /* r: avatar url of user             */
int         purllen,               /* r: length of that url             */
CH_ip_t     pip,                   /* r: ip address of user             */
void        (*pcallbackfunc)(      /* r: function to call on error      */
                   char     *pnickname, /* r: nickname of user, as above     */
                   int       pnicknamelen,
                   char     *psceneurl, /* r: url of scene to enter          */
                   int       psceneurllen,
                   char     *puniqueid, /* r: unique id of user              */
                   int       puniqueidlen,
                   CH_id_t   reason,    /* r: reason for failure             */
                   int       code       /* r: code of packet causing failure */

12.2. Function chCSUserDelete


  FUNCTION NAME:        chCSUserDelete

    Delete a user, sign the user off from Community Server, free all memory. 
    This function has to be called whenever a user has timed out with the
    apserver or as a reaction to an error reported for the user


void chCSUserDelete(
char       *pnickname,                 /* r: nickname used by user          */
int         pnicknamelen,              /* r: length of that nickname        */
char       *puniqueid,                 /* r: unique id used by user         */
int         puniqueidlen               /* r: length of that unique id       */

12.3. Function chCSUserTextSend


  FUNCTION NAME:        chCSUserTextSend

    Send a text for a user

    int ret == 0; ok
    otherwise     user is unknown

int chCSUserTextSend(
char       *pnickname,                 /* r: nickname used by user          */
int         pnicknamelen,              /* r: length of that nickname        */
char       *puniqueid,                 /* r: unique id used by user         */
int         puniqueidlen,              /* r: length of that unique id       */
char       *ptopic,                    /* r: topic of group to send to      */ 
int         ptopiclen,                 /* r: length of that topic           */
char       *ptext,                     /* r: text to be sent                */
int         ptextlen                   /* r: length of that text            */

12.4. Function chCSUserPositionSend


  FUNCTION NAME:        chCSUserPositionSend

    Send a position for a user

    int ret == 0; ok
    otherwise     user is unknown

int chCSUserPositionSend(
char            *pnickname,            /* r: nickname used by user          */
int              pnicknamelen,         /* r: length of that nickname        */
char            *puniqueid,            /* r: unique id used by user         */
int              puniqueidlen,         /* r: length of that unique id       */
CHPosition_t    *pposition,            /* r: position to send               */
CHOrientation_t *porientation          /* r: orientation ot send            */

12.5. Function chCSUserStatusBitsSet


  FUNCTION NAME:        chCSUserStatusBitsSet

    Sets the status bits for a user, the bits are sent to the server
    with the next call to chCSUserPositionSend.
    int ret == 0; ok
    otherwise     user is unknown

int chCSUserStatusBitsSet(
char            *pnickname,            /* r: nickname used by user          */
int              pnicknamelen,         /* r: length of that nickname        */
char            *puniqueid,            /* r: unique id used by user         */
int              puniqueidlen,         /* r: length of that unique id       */
CH_4byte_t       statusbits            /* r: status bits to set             */

12.6. Function chCSPeriodic


  FUNCTION NAME:        chCSPeriodic

    Periodic function of the apserver - Community Server interface.
    This function is to be called every 3 seconds.


void chCSPeriodic()

12.7. Function chCSUserDataHandler


  FUNCTION NAME:        chCSUserDataHandler

      This function has to be called whenever a chEventUsrData
      occurs at the apiserver. 

      If the return code of this function reports that the packet
      was not handled by this function the apiserver nneds to handle
      the packet.
      int handled == 0: The packet was not handled by this function
                  != 0: The packet was handled by this function

int chCSUserDataHandler(
int              psocket,
char           * packet,                /* r: packet received               */
int              packetlen,             /* r: length of that packet         */
char           * sender,                /* r: socket address of sender      */
int              senderlen              /* r: length of that address        */

12.8. Function chCSCallbackFunction


  FUNCTION NAME:        chCSCallbackFunction

      Callback function for chCS... functions, this example
      function only logs the event

      Use your own function if you want to do some real callback handling.

static void chCSCallbackFunction(
char       *pnickname, 
int         pnicknamelen,
char       *psceneurl, 
int         psceneurllen,
char       *puniqueid, 
int         puniqueidlen,
CH_id_t     reason, 
int         code
     * make sure the values printed are sane
    if( !pnickname )
        pnickname = "unkown nickname";
        pnicknamelen = strlen( pnickname );

    if( !psceneurl )
        psceneurl = "unkown sceneurl";
        psceneurllen = strlen( psceneurl );

     * for each user created we get a callback when the corressponding
     * setid packet arrives, i.e. the user has been allowed to enter
    if( code == IVS_SETID_CODE && reason )
         * this is actually a callback for the setid event
        PROCESS_LOG(( "APCS.LOG NEW ID %08x NNM \"%.*s\" SCN " "\"%.*s\"\n",
                      pnicknamelen, pnickname,
                      psceneurllen, psceneurl

     * all other cases indicate error situations
    PROCESS_LOG(( "APCS.ERR chEventError N \"%.*s\" S "
                  "\"%.*s\" REASON %d CODE %d\n", 
                  pnicknamelen, pnickname, 
                  psceneurllen, psceneurl,
                  reason, code 
} /* End of Function chCSCallbackFunction */

13. Application Server Database Access


The following functions allow an api server get access to the community database.

13.1. Function chDBInit


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBInit

    Init the database connection. All parameters are optional.
    Per default /csbin/community/global.cfg is used.

     int rc == 0: ok
            == -1: if parameters are missing or can't be read from global.cfg
                   or out of memory
int chDBInit(
char * gcfg,             /* alternative global.cfg to read the parameters   */
char * host,             /* host and aport of dbserver host to contact      */
char * port              /* if NULL, the global.cfg is used                 */

13.2. Function chDBGetError


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBGetError

    Returns the error string set by the last database call 

    Use it to retrieve a detailed error string when a db call

    char * retptr: points to the error string set.

char * chDBGetError(

13.3. Function chDBMget


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBMget

    Get multiple values from the database, all values returned are malloced.

     int rc >= 0: number of arguments returned
             < 0: an error, see raextern.h for error code details, 
int chDBMget(
char *  datatype,               /* r: type of data concerned                */
char *  keytype,                /* r: keytype of value to get               */
char *  key,                    /* r: value of the key                      */
int     nattr,                  /* r: number of attribute value pairs       */
char ** attr,                   /* r: attributes to get record              */
char ** avals                   /* w: vals of those attributes              */

13.4. Function chDBGet


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBGet

    Get a value from the database

     char * retptr == NULL; database error
        The value or "" if not set,
        the value is always given back in malloced memory
char * chDBGet(
char * datatype,           /* r: type of data concerned                */
char * keytype,            /* r: keytype of value to get               */
char * key,                /* r: value of that key                     */
char * attrname            /* r: name of attribute to get from record  */

13.5. Function chDBList


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBList

    List keys with attributes from a database


     int rc >= 0: number of arguments returned
             < 0: an error, see raextern.h for error code details, 

int chDBList(
char *  datatype,        /* r: type of data concerned                */
char *  keytype,         /* r: Key type defining the list order      */
char *  startkeytype,    /* r: Key type to position on a record      */
char *  startkeyvalue,   /* r: start value for the key               */
char *  number,          /* r: number of keys to list                */
char *  direction,       /* r: direction of list                     */
char *  keyfilter,       /* r: filter for keys                       */
int     nattr,           /* r: number of attributes to get           */
char ** attr,            /* r: attributes to get                     */
char ** vals             /* w: vals of found keys and req attributes */

13.6. Function chDBMset


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBMset

    Set values in the database

    int rc == 0: set of attribute is ok
           != 0: an error, see raextern.h for error code details, 
int chDBMset(
char *  datatype,               /* r: type of data concerned                */
char *  keytype,                /* r: keytype of value to set               */
char *  key,                    /* r: value of the key                      */
int     nattr,                  /* r: number of attribute value pairs       */
char ** attr,                   /* r: attributes to set                     */
char ** avals                   /* r: vals of those attributes              */

13.7. Function chDBMadd


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBMadd

    Add/substract values to existing integer attribute values in
    the database.

    All attributes changed with this function have to be integer values,
    i.e. strings representing the integer as hex value.

    The value to add/substract has to be a decimal string.

    int rc == 0: change of attribute is ok
           != 0: an error, see raextern.h for error code details, 
int chDBMadd(
char *  datatype,               /* r: type of data concerned                */
char *  keytype,                /* r: keytype of value to set               */
char *  key,                    /* r: value of the key                      */
int     nattr,                  /* r: number of attribute value pairs       */
char ** attr,                   /* r: attributes to set                     */
char ** avals                   /* r: vals to add/sub to those attributes   */

13.8. Function chDBAdd


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBAdd

    Add/substract a value to a single existing integer attribute in
    the database. Return the value of the attribute after the add/substract.

    The attribute changed with this function has to be an integer value,
    i.e. a string representing the integer as hex value.

    The value to add/substract has to be a decimal string.

    int rc == 0: change of attribute is ok
           != 0: an error, see raextern.h for error code details, 
int chDBAdd(
char *  datatype,               /* r: type of data concerned                */
char *  keytype,                /* r: keytype of value to change            */
char *  key,                    /* r: value of the key                      */
char *  attr,                   /* r: attribute to change                   */
char *  aval,                   /* r: value to add/sub to the attribute     */
char ** result                  /* w: result of add/sub in malloced memory  */

13.9. Function chDBIns


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBIns

    Create a record in the database

     int rc == 0: the new record was created
     int rc == 1: a record with the same key already exists
             < 0: an error, see raextern.h for error code details, 
int chDBIns(
char *  datatype,               /* r: type of data concerned                */
int     nkeys,                  /* r: number of key value pairs             */
char ** keys,                   /* r: keys of the record                    */
char ** vals,                   /* r: vals of those keys                    */
int     nattr,                  /* r: number of attribute value pairs       */
char ** attr,                   /* r: attributes to set                     */
char ** avals                   /* r: vals of those attributes              */

13.10. Function chDBDelete


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBDelete

    Delete a key from the database

     int rc == 0: the record was deleted
             < 0: an error, see raextern.h for error code details, 
int chDBDelete(
char * datatype,        /* r: type of data concerned                */
char * keytype,         /* r: keytype of value to delete            */
char * key              /* r: value of key                          */

13.11. Function chDBMgetCached


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBMgetCached

    Read a list of attributes of an entry in the so database table.
    The attribute list is cached in the soserver for one hour.
    The result is malloced.

     int rc >= 0: number of arguments returned
             < 0: an error, handle it, 

int chDBMgetCached(
char *  datatype,               /* r: type of data concerned                */
char *  kty,                    /* r: Keytype of value to get               */
char *  val,                    /* r: value of the key                      */
int     nattr,                  /* r: number of attribute value pairs       */
char ** attr,                   /* r: attributes to get                     */
char ** avals                   /* w: vals of those attributes              */

13.12. Function chDBGetCached


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBGetCached

    Read an attributes of an entry in the database.
    The attribute is cached for one hour.

    NULL in case of an error
    char * value: one pointer

char * chDBGetCached(
char *  datatype,               /* r: type of data concerned                */
char *  key,                    /* r: Key of value to get                   */
char *  val,                    /* r: value of the key                      */
char * aname                    /* r: name of attributes to read            */

13.13. Function chDBSetCacheTime


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBSetCacheTime

    set the time in seconds for expiration of cache entries.
    default is one hour.

void chDBSetCacheTime(
time_t newtime                  /* r: expiration time of cache entries      */

13.14. Function chDBGetObjectFromScene


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBGetObjectFromScene

    Get the key id and datatype of an object from a chat scene url
    Dty and key are returned in static memory.

    1 if key found
    0 if no object

int chDBGetObjectFromScene(
char *  scene,                  /* r: scene name                            */
char ** dty,                    /* w: datatype of object                    */
char ** key                     /* w: key value of object                   */

13.15. Function chDBGetParent


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBGetParent

    Get the parent of an object in the homesteading hierachy
    e.g. block for home.
    The parentkey is malloced.

    1 if parent found
    0 if no parent

int chDBGetParent(
char *  datatype,               /* r: type of data concerned                */
char *  key,                    /* r: Key of value to get                   */
char ** parentdty,              /* w: datatype of parent                    */
char ** parentkey               /* w: keyid of parent                       */

13.16. Function chDBGetMemberType


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBGetMemberType

    chDBGetMemberType - see whether the user is an administrator,
    member or visitor
    it uses the g_Admins value from global.cfg

    additionally the member record is checked in the db
    and id and role are read.
    Id and role are returned in static memory.

        rc == CHDB_IS_BAD: neither visitor nor member
        rc == CHDB_IS_VISITOR: user is visitor
        rc == CHDB_IS_MEMBER: user is member
        rc == CHDB_IS_ADMIN: user is an administrator
int chDBGetMemberType(
char * nickname,            /* the nickname of the member                   */
char ** memberid,           /* w: id of the member                          */
char ** role                /* w: the role  of the member                   */

13.17. Function chDBCheckRole


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBCheckRole

    chDBCheckRole - check a members role string against a rolemask of an

                            If the rolemask of the object is empty access
                            is allowed

    int rc = 1:  The member has at least one of the roles necessary

    int rc = -1: Roles are necessary and the member does not have them
                 The member is explicitly excluded

    otherwise:  There are no roles required, let the member access

int chDBCheckRole(
char * mrole,                /* role string of the member        */
char * orole                 /* role string of the object        */

13.18. Function chDBCheckRights


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBCheckRights

    Check the rights of a member for an object specified.

    Either the nickname or the member id must be specified.

    This function handles the recursive check for CHDB_ACCESS_RCHANGE correctly.

    The ID of the member is taken from the global variable chDB_Id.

    The indirect rights check based on PKT, PDT and PKE is handled correctly.

     int rc: A combination of the
             bits showing the access for the member

int chDBCheckRights(
int    mtype,            /* r: type of the member (optional)         */
char * memid,            /* r: member id (optional)                  */
char * nickname ,        /* r: nickname of the member                */
char * rolemask,         /* r: member's role mask, (optional)        */
char * odatatype,        /* r: datatype of object to check           */
char * okeytype,         /* r: keytype of object to check            */
char * okey,             /* r: key of object to check                */
int    accesstype        /* r: accesstype to check for               */

13.19. Function chDBUnscrambleCookie


  FUNCTION NAME:        chDBUnscrambleCookie

    unscramble a cookie into its components

    Sets pointers to static memory holding the values

int chDBUnscrambleCookie(
char  * passwd,                  /* r: input buffer                  */
char ** cookietag,               /* w: tag read from cookie          */
char ** cookieid,                /* w: id read from cookie           */
char ** cookienickname,          /* w: nickname read from cookie     */
char ** cookiepasswd,            /* w: passwd read from cookie       */
char ** cookietime,              /* w: time read from cookie         */
char ** cookielang,              /* w: user language preference      */
char ** cookiecache              /* w: user cache string             */

End of document!