Mission Base

Program Base Library Functions

PblSet* pblSetDifference

( PblSet* setA,
  PblSet* setB )

Creates a new set containing the difference of the elements of the two sets passed as parameters.


Creates a new set containing the difference of the elements of the two sets passed as parameters. The difference contains all elements that are contained in the first set but are not contained in the second set.

This function creates an empty clone of the first of the two parameter sets and then iterates the first of the two sets and adds all elements to the clone that are not contained in the second set.

setA - The first set to build the difference from
setB - The second set to build the difference from
PblSet * retPtr != NULL: A pointer to the new set.
PblSet * retPtr == NULL: An error, see pbl_errno:
PBL_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY - Out of memory.
PBL_ERROR_PARAM_COLLECTION - A set cannot be iterated.
PBL_ERROR_CONCURRENT_MODIFICATION - A set was modified concurrently.

Alphabetic index

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