Mission Base

Program Base Library Functions

void pblKfSetCompareFunction

( pblKeyFile_t* k,
  int (* keycompare ) ( void* left,
  size_t llen, void* right,
  size_t rlen ) )

Set an application specific compare function for the keys of a key file


Set an application specific compare function for the keys of a key file

An application specific compare function can be used in order to implement special orderings of the values of an index, e.g. because of the use of european "umlauts" in names

The default compare function is the c-library memcmp function, the key compare function should behave like memcmp

k - key file to set compare function for
keycompare - compare function to set
left - "left" buffer for compare
llen - length of that buffer
right - "right" buffer for compare
rlen - length of that buffer

Alphabetic index

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