Mission Base

Program Base Library Functions

long pblKfRead

( pblKeyFile_t* k, void* data, long datalen )

Read the data of the current record of the file.


Read the data of the current record of the file.

The caller can restrict the number of bytes read by specifying the maximum number of bytes to read by parameter datalen, if datalen is 0, all bytes stored for the current record are copied to the buffer pointed to by data.

- data must point to an area of memory being big enough to hold the bytes copied
- datalen must not be negative, it is ignored otherwise

k - key file to read from
data - data to insert
datalen - length of the data
int rc == 0: call went ok, rc is the number of bytes copied
int rc != 0: some error occured, see pbl_errno

Alphabetic index

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